Family dispute Resolution
Family dispute Resolution
In order to reduce delays in resolution of disputes,
the Governments and the Judiciary are encouraging settlements
through counseling techniques mediation and conciliation which
are the parts of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Family dispute resolution can help people affected by separation
and divorce sort out their dispute as an alternative to going to court.
Family dispute resolution is the process of trying to come to an
agreement about disputes, rather than going to court. The aim of
family dispute resolution is to reach an agreement that is good
for everyone involved and that is practical and workable.
A family dispute resolution practitioner is an independent person
who can help people discuss issues, look at options and work out
how best to reach agreement in disputes about children, property
or money. If people resolve their differences without going to court
they will save themselves time, money and stress.
Please Read this Article &
watch the video:
Arbitration and its relation to family laws : LCI Articles
Arbitration and its relation to family laws : LCI Articles
INTRODUCTION Arbitration is a divine
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